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HomeTerms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Confirmed: June 1, 2020

The IT and Business Analysis Club (hereinafter referred to as ITBAC, we/us) offers consultation and training services and shares specialized knowledge on the website www.ITBAC.eu in the field of IT and business analysis. These terms of use apply to browsing and consuming information published on the website, as well as to ITBAC’s offers, services, and products, as far as ITBAC has not confirmed other conditions with you separately.

By subscribing to the newsletter on the website, registering for a training, or making a purchase from the e-store, you confirm that you have read these terms of use and agree with them.

If you have questions about ITBAC products and services, please contact us through the form at https://dev.codenot.studio/itbac/en/contact/.

The processing of personal data by ITBAC is carried out in accordance with our privacy conditions, which are available here: https://dev.codenot.studio/itbac/en/privacy-policy/.

ITBAC reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time at its discretion. Changes to the terms of use will be notified, and the modified terms of use will always be published on the ITBAC website. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms of use before consuming content on the ITBAC website.

Website www.ITBAC.eu and blog On the website, we publish information about news in our field, best practices, our services, and products. The information published reflects the opinion of ITBAC representatives and is presented as-is. ITBAC cannot guarantee that the published material or opinions are suitable for your needs or are exclusively correct. For personal advice, you should contact ITBAC to arrange a personal consultation.

ITBAC does not take responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the content on the website.

ITBAC allows users to publicly comment on the content it selects. Comments must be relevant and respectful towards ITBAC and other users. It is forbidden to publish comments that are offensive, attacking, racist, contain indecent expressions or materials. It is also forbidden to add links to statements or materials prohibited by the terms of use in comments.

ITBAC does not pre-screen comments. If a user publishes a comment that violates the terms of use, please report this to -@-. ITBAC will process the report within 36 hours and, if necessary, remove the comment violating the terms of use without the consent of the comment’s author.

Participation in ITBAC training From time to time, ITBAC organizes training on IT and business analytics, IT architecture, or other related topics. The form of training may vary: seminar, webinar, training, etc.

Trainings can be both paid and free, public or private. ITBAC publishes the specific conditions of each training (time, place, participation fee, topic, duration, speakers) on its website.

Trainings may take place in person or virtually. Virtual trainings are held in an environment managed by ITBAC. ITBAC names the location for in-person training.

To register for training, you must fill out the registration form on the website and pay the participation fee. An invoice for the payment of the participation fee is sent to the email address specified on the registration form.

Admission to paid training is conditional upon the receipt of the participation fee based on ITBAC’s invoice. If the invoice is unpaid, ITBAC has the right not to admit to the training.

Those registered for training may cancel their participation up to 48 hours before the training without penalty, and the paid participation fee will be fully refunded. If you withdraw from the training later, ITBAC has the right to keep the paid participation fee, and the participant is considered a no-show. No-shows for paid training are entitled to receive the training materials if available.

ITBAC has the right to cancel or postpone a training if fewer than three participants have registered for the training. In such cases, ITBAC will notify the registered participants at least 36 hours before the scheduled training, and in the event of cancellation, will refund the paid participation fee. ITBAC will also refund the money if the in-person training is canceled due to reasons attributable to ITBAC.

ITBAC does not compensate registrants in any form for damages that may arise from the cancellation of the training.

Recording of ITBAC training ITBAC has the right to record its organized trainings (except personal trainings) in video or audio format. Notification of recording is given during registration for the training. By participating in the recording, participants consent to their participation, image, and/or voice being recorded. ITBAC later has the right to publish the recording for a fee or for free, make it publicly available, distribute it, etc., at its discretion and without seeking additional consent. Participants’ personal names or other data are not disclosed in the recording. Participants should particularly consider that questions asked to speakers during the training (audio) will be included in the recording.

All participants gain access to the training recording for at least one (1) year from the date of the training.

Personal training ITBAC offers training to companies on its own initiative or at the client’s request and conducts them. Trainings may be targeted at management, teams, etc. ITBAC makes an offer for conducting the training based on the initial information provided by the client and considering the agreed-upon objectives of the training. The parties separately agree on the preparation and sharing of materials for the training.

Agreement on the conditions of ordered personal training is reached based on the client’s conditions and ITBAC’s offer, which the client confirms. These conditions apply only to the extent that they are not in conflict with the conditions of the personal offer.

Training materials and other digital materials The proprietary copyright of training materials, digital materials, and other materials prepared by ITBAC belongs to ITBAC.

The right to use training materials is exclusively for the participant on a temporary, limited license basis.

The right to use digital material purchased from the e-store is exclusively for the buyer.

In the case of a company representative, they are allowed to share training materials and digital materials with their company representative in the same field. It is forbidden to copy, publish, make publicly available, modify, supplement, include in collections, translate, or otherwise handle training materials without separate consent from ITBAC.

The use of ITBAC materials contrary to the terms of use, including distribution to third parties, is a significant breach of the terms of use and gives ITBAC the right to suspend its services to the violator and demand fair compensation for the violation of rights.

Referencing public content on the ITBAC website is allowed only with a reference to the source (www.ITBAC.eu) along with the date of referencing. Referencing must be motivated in scope (for example, up to 10% of the total volume of one article) and serve the purpose of professional information exchange.

ITBAC does not take responsibility for the legality or completeness of the content of training materials or other digital materials. Additionally, we draw attention to the fact that the content, viewpoints, and references presented in the materials may become outdated.

Consulting service ITBAC specialists provide various consulting services in the field of IT and business analysis. The consulting service is personalized for the company, and the offer is made according to the client’s wishes and needs. The content, scope, and objectives of the consulting service are agreed upon when making the offer and confirming it by the client. In the absence of a contrary agreement, the conditions of the confirmed offer, the regulation of the mandate contract under the Law of Obligations Act, and these terms of use apply to the extent that there is no separate agreement in the offer.

ITBAC is not obliged to make an offer for consulting to the company if ITBAC specialists’ workload does not allow it, if the company’s consulting request is beyond ITBAC’s competence, or if there is another valid reason.

ITBAC newsletter ITBAC shares its materials with subscribers registered on the website in the form of a newsletter, which is sent to the email address notified by users approximately 2 times a month. ITBAC does not undertake to send the newsletter or any obligations regarding its content. Newsletters may contain offers for ITBAC trainings and services.

The conditions for publishing information on the website apply to what is presented in the newsletter (see the terms of use section 1 above).

To unsubscribe from the newsletter, there is an unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter. You can also unsubscribe by expressing the wish via email to -@-.

ITBAC products and services purchase process The client selects product(s) and/or service(s) on the ITBAC website e-store by adding them to the shopping cart. The prices shown in the e-store include VAT and are final. Payment service provider fees may be added to the payment according to the payment service provider’s price list.

ITBAC services are targeted at business clients, and therefore we assume that purchasers are at least 18 years old.

To finally confirm selections, press the “Confirm” button in the shopping cart view and fill in the given fields for the purchaser’s personal information, invoice payer, and delivery details. The following information is requested about the purchaser: first and last name, company name, email address, contact phone number.

Invoice recipient information must be provided if the invoice recipient is not the purchaser (the invoice goes to the company). After this, the client makes a choice regarding the payment method.

Upon successful purchase, a confirmation letter is sent to the email address entered by the client, and if the shopping cart included digital material, then the purchased materials are sent to the client in digital form or a access link to the digital material. When purchasing digital materials (e.g., access to a webinar recording, training material, etc.), it is not possible to cancel the purchase transaction after receiving the materials (including the means of access required to review the materials).

If you have made a purchase from the ITBAC e-store but do not receive a confirmation letter and digital materials about the purchase, please contact kaja.trees@itbac.eu to clarify the purchase details.